American Early Childhood ( Pre- Kindergarten and Kindergarten)
• This is a time of rapid growth, when children are developing physically, cognitively, emotionally and socially, as well as acquiring positive attitudes towards school and the love of learning which supports a successful school career; so your choice of school is critical at this time.
• Learning in Pre-School and Pre-K is fun and curriculum goals are achieved through purposeful, well-planned play and practical activities which are both child-initiated and teacher-directed.
• The children work towards the Early Learning Standards and are assessed using various assessments to monitor and record their progress and development throughout Pre-School and Pre-K.
Teaching and learning in K is planned according to the US Common Core Standards and is supported by a range of high quality books and resources from the US. They develop their speaking, listening, writing, reading and math skills by following the Common Core Standards. They also follow the Next Generation Science Standards. History, Geography and cross-curricular topics which foster knowledge and understanding of the world are all brought alive through practical hands-on experience and regular field trips. Specialist teachers teach Arabic, PE, Computer Science and Music.
– The general goals of the English curriculum at NAIS are to foster language skills—including writing, reading, speaking skills, and critical thinking skills—in the areas of grammar, analysis, problem solving, self-expression, and comprehension.
Grade One
– Reading is the priority in first grade. Students are immersed in a print-rich environment to facilitate development of oral language skills, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and the awareness of print materials as sources of information and enjoyment. They use listening and speaking skills to participate in classroom discussions, use a variety of strategies to read new words, and develop an understanding of character, setting, main idea, and story sequence through examining a variety of texts. They increase vocabulary and comprehension strategies by reading age-appropriate materials across the curriculum. Students begin to communicate ideas in writing and become independent readers by the end of the year.
Grade Two
– Reading continues to be the highest priority in second grade. Students participate in classroom discussions, utilize a combination of reading and comprehension strategies, and further increase vocabulary. They identify main ideas, make and confirm predictions, and write stories, letters, and simple explanations. Simple grammatical principles are applied to writing, and information is located using reference materials. By the end of the year, students will read with fluency and expression.
Grade Three
– The emphasis in third grade is on learning about words, reading with fluency and expression, and developing comprehension strategies. Effective communication skills will be practiced through the use of group activities and brief oral reports. Students will plan, draft, revise, and edit stories, simple explanations, and short reports. In addition, information from print and non-print sources will be used and gathered. The student will write legibly in cursive by the end of the year.
Grade Four
– Previously developed reading and writing skills provide, in fourth grade, the foundation for an increased emphasis on content throughout the curriculum. Students use text organizers, summarize information, formulate questions, and draw conclusions to demonstrate reading comprehension. They read classic and contemporary literature selections by a variety of authors, continue to increase communication skills in large-and small-group settings, and plan, draft, revise, and edit narratives and explanations. Information resources and word references will be used routinely while writing.
Grade Five
– In fifth grade, students will read texts in all subjects and will acquire information enabling them to answer questions, generate hypotheses, make inferences, support opinions, confirm predictions, compare and contrast relationships, and formulate conclusions. Literary appreciation will continue. Presentations will be prepared utilizing online, print, and media resources to prepare presentations to enhance communications and learning skills. Students will plan, draft, revise, and edit writings to describe, to entertain, and to explain.
– The general goals of the NAIS Science curriculum are to give students an understanding of the nature and methods of science and to develop conceptual and practical skills in the context of student involvement in scientific activity. Students will develop their ability to analyze scientific information critically, apply knowledge and skills in order to generate new knowledge, communicate scientific ideas and their awareness of the impact of science on society, thus helping prepare them for life in the age of 21st century technology.
Grade 1
– Students will begin to learn about and investigate the things around them by observing and identifying Living & Nonliving things. They will acquire basic facts about Plants and Animals, the Earth’s Land, Air and Water, the Seasons. They will investigate matter and examine Forces as Pushes & Pulls, and Magnets.
Grade 2
– Students will identify changes occurring during the growth process for plants, animals, and humans. They will learn about the sun, moon, stars, and weather. Students will also learn to identify changes in matter, forces and motion, and sound.
Grade 3
– Students in third grade compare different types of animals, observe how plants grow, identify differences between rocks, minerals, fossils, and soils, investigate properties and changes in matter, and study heat and light.
Grade 4
– In fourth grade, students focus on classifying living things, analyzing animal and plant growth and adaptations, examining human body systems, physical properties of matter, and heat, energy, and electricity and magnetism.
Grade 5
– Fifth graders trace the structure of living organisms from single cell to body systems. In addition, students explore animal growth and reproduction, plants and their adaptations, and plant processes. They also focus on matter and its properties, atoms and elements, and forms of energy.
Grades 1-5
Mathematics is fundamental to student’s education. This program offers a fun and interactive introduction to basic concepts in Math. With the use of hands on activities, group work and stimulation, the students learn by experimentation, creating a great understanding of the concepts.
Social Studies
Grade 4: Introduction to Geography
This course offers the young learner with a basic understanding of geography skills. Students will enjoy learning new geographic vocabulary while developing map reading skills.
Grade 5: Ancient Egyptian History
This course will help uncover the ancient history of Egypt that fascinated the world and remains to be the number one tourist attraction.
Arabic Language
Since we believe in striking a balance between the Egyptian and American culture, it is one of our school objectives to teach high quality Arabic, Religion, and Civics. Teaching Arabic starts from KG 2 to grade 12. Our approach is a very modern one in teaching the Arabic Language. Students use multimedia and videos, and all available teaching aids. Our students are also encouraged to do research in Arabic as much as they do in English and all other subjects.
The general goals of the English curriculum at NAIS are to foster language skills—including writing, reading, speaking skills, and critical thinking skills—in the areas of grammar, analysis, problem solving, self-expression, and comprehension.
Grade 6
The student will be an active participant in classroom discussions, will present personal opinions, understand different viewpoints, distinguish between fact and opinion, and analyze the effectiveness of group communication. Word origins will be studied and vocabulary development will continue. A variety of fiction and nonfiction works, including a significant number of classic works, will be read for appreciation and comprehension. Students will plan, draft, revise, and edit narratives, descriptions, and explanations with attention to composition and style as well as sentence formation, usage, and mechanics. They will demonstrate correct use of language, spelling. Reading and writing will be used as tools for learning academic concepts, and available technology will be used as appropriate.
Grade 7
Oral communication skills will be developed further and the effects of verbal and nonverbal behaviors will be studied. Seventh grade students will continue to read a wide variety of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry while becoming more independent and analytical. Written composition skills—with special emphasis on word choice, organization, style, and grammar—will be increased. Written explanations utilizing informational writing and persuasive writing will be introduced. Students will study figurative language, vocabulary, and roots and affixes. The study of the impact of media on public opinion will be introduced. Proficiency in the use of print and electronic information resources will increase and students will learn how to reference sources. Correct use of language, spelling, and mechanics by applying grammatical conventions in writing and speaking will be demonstrated.
Grade 8
Students learn and apply interviewing techniques, demonstrate correct use of language, spelling, and mechanics by applying grammatical conventions in writing and speaking, and plan, draft, revise, and edit writing, with emphasis on exposition and persuasion. Reading and writing skills are applied in all subjects and literature is responded to critically. Vocabulary development continues with special attention paid to connotations and figurative language as the student continues to develop an appreciation for literature through studying a wide variety of selections. Themes and main ideas will be inferred and cause and effect relationships will be interpreted. Students will become skillful interpreters of the persuasive strategies used in print and mass media.
Grade 9: Language and Literature
In ninth grade English emphasis is placed on building vocabulary, exploring the writing process, and improving reading comprehension and written communication skills. Students will be exposed to a variety of literature genres and writing styles both classical and contemporary and will develop writing and analysis skills through practical daily activities. Reading, writing, and grammatical assignments along with team projects are frequent features of ninth grade English and should be expected by all students.
The general goals of the NAIS Science curriculum are to give students an understanding of the nature and methods of science and to develop conceptual and practical skills in the context of student involvement in scientific activity. Students will develop their ability to analyze scientific information critically, apply knowledge and skills in order to generate new knowledge, communicate scientific ideas and their awareness of the impact of science on society, thus helping prepare them for life in the age of 21st century technology.
Grade 6
Students investigate plants and plant processes, atoms, elements and compounds. Students delve deeper into properties and changes in matter.
Grade 7
Seventh graders continue to focus on Cells, Body System and Classification, Invertebrates and Vertebrates, Properties of Sound and Light, Electricity, Magnetism and Earth Science.
Grade 8
In Grade 8, students will be introduced to Matter with its states Elements, Compound and mixtures, Atoms and Periodic Table.
Grade 9
In ninth grade, students will be introduced to specialized courses covering, Diversity of Living Things, Chemical Bonding and Reactions, Forces, Atomic Energy, Work and Machines.
Grades 7 and 8
The syllabus is set up to build all basic skills in arithmetic, geometry, and basic statistics. It also enforces all the needed algebra concepts and paves the way to Algebra 1 & 2 through a smooth introduction of Pre-Algebra in Grade 8.
Grades 9
The syllabus combines Algebra and Geometry. In Grade 9, Algebra 1 is introduced, and it helps in solving numerical problems in geometry which are often used in SAT Math. In Grade 10, the course syllabus includes Geometry, Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus introduction is given as a warm up. In Grade 10, SAT Test Prep Classes are offered, up to grade 12.
Social Studies
Grade 6: History of Egypt
After going over ancient Egyptian history in grade 5, students will continue to unveil the rich historical events from Coptic Egypt up till the time of Hosni Mubarak.
Grade 7: World History
The World History course for grade 7 is more of like a trip around the world. The students would study about different countries, different cultures, different civilizations, major historic events such as wars and revolutions.
Grade 8: Geography
Geography for grade 8 studies humans, areas of land, countries, cultures, physical features, environments etc., which is very useful since it helps in understanding such questions such as: how the world is divided, where each country is located, how the different countries are interrelated, what are the cultures in each country, why the physical features of the world are as such, etc.
Grade 9: World History
This course will take the students through the early civilizations preceding the modern world history. These civilizations pave the way for what will happen next in the modern world. Students will be exposed to the Empires of the ancient world, the roots of Islam/Empire of Islam, Feudalism, The renaissance, the Reformation and the scientific revolution, European rule and expansion and finally the Enlightenment.
Arabic Language
Since we believe in striking a balance between the Egyptian and American culture, it is one of our school objectives to teach high quality Arabic, Religion, and Civics. Teaching Arabic starts from KG 2 to grade 12. Our approach is a very modern one in teaching the Arabic Language. Students use multimedia and videos, and all available teaching aids. Our students are also encouraged to do research in Arabic as much as they do in English and all other subjects.
Grade 9: Language and Literature
In ninth grade English emphasis is placed on building vocabulary, exploring the writing process, and improving reading comprehension and written communication skills. Students will be exposed to a variety of literature genres and writing styles both classical and contemporary and will develop writing and analysis skills through practical daily activities. Reading, writing, and grammatical assignments along with team projects are frequent features of ninth grade English and should be expected by all students.
Grade 10: Language and Literature
Communication skills continue to be refined through writing, oral presentations, and practical daily activities. Special emphasis will be given to the writing process, including creative, expressive, and formal writing with particular concentration on the persuasive essay. A variety of literature genres and writing styles with a wide range of literary emphases will be studied. The student can expect frequent reading, writing, and grammatical assignments and plenty of team project work. In addition, SAT Preparation classes are given regularly in grades 10 and 11 to help students prepare for this vital test.
Grade 11: Language and American Literature
Using American Literature as a springboard, students will explore various authors, genres, and styles of both poetry and prose. The course is designed to develop the student’s analytical, comprehension, and analysis skills at a deeper level. While grammar is incorporated as part of the whole language process, greater emphasis will be given to writing, analysis, and communication skills. Students should expect frequent and comprehensive writing and analysis assignments along with team project work.
Grade 12: Language and British Literature
By exploring the various authors, genres, and styles of World writers of poetry and prose, students will further develop their analytical, comprehension, and analysis skills on an even deeper level. While grammar is incorporated as part of the whole language process, greater emphasis will be given to writing, analysis, and communication. Students should expect frequent and comprehensive writing and analysis assignments along with team project work.
Grade 9
In ninth grade, students will be introduced to specialized courses covering, Diversity of Living Things, Chemical Bonding and Reactions, Forces, Atomic Energy, Work and Machines.
Grade 10 Chemistry
Chemistry is a new course introduced to grade l0. This course gives the student a sufficient background about chemistry that would qualify the student to the advanced chemistry course that he would take in the upcoming high school years.
Grade 10 Biology
The Biology course in grade 10 preludes a good introductory foundation for the Biology SAT11 course. The curriculum courses different branches of biology including ecology, cellular biology, genetics, organismal biology.
Grade 11 Biology
The Biology course in grade 11 comprises the advanced part of the SAT II Biology course. The curriculum includes Molecular Biology, Advanced Parts of Genetics, DNA, in addition to the rest of organismal biology.
12 Biology
The Biology class is designed to prepare students for the SAT II test. The syllabus covers molecular biology, cell structure and functions, genetics and heredity, diversity of life, and interactions of ecosystems.
Grade 11 Chemistry
Chemistry will cover the concepts of chemistry in matter properties and changes, Periodic table, Ionic and covalent compounds, Chemical reactions, the mole and Hydrocarbons.
Grade 11 Environmental Science
Environmental Science will cover:
1-Ecology: Ecosystems, Evolution, Diversity of living things, Energy flow, Biomes, Aquatic ecosystems.
2-Population: Understanding population, Biodiversity, Renewable and non renewable energy, Waste.
Grade 11 & 12 Physics
A high school course in physics is structured to fulfill the general goals as well as prepare students for the SAT II test in Physics. The syllabus covers Motion in one and two dimensions, Forces and Motion, Work and Energy, Momentum and Collisions, Circular Motion and Gravity, Vibrations and Waves, Sound and Light, Electrostatics, and Electric Circuits and Electromagnetism.
Grade 12 Geology
The geology course covers the earth as a system, models of earth, composition of earth, History of earth, Weather in addition to Atmosphere and space.
Grades 9 and 10
The syllabus combines Algebra and Geometry. In Grade 9, Algebra 1 is introduced, and it helps in solving numerical problems in geometry which are often used in SAT Math. In Grade 10, the course syllabus includes Geometry, Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus introduction is given as a warm up. In Grade 10, SAT Test Prep Classes are offered, up to grade 12.
Grade 11
Pre-calculus mathematics and Algebra II are taught to all students. The science section students are taking a combination of Algebra II, Trigonometry, and some math applications, while the basic section students are taking a combination of Algebra II and Probability. Pre-calculus gives more in depth math to our students which helps most of our students pass SAT I by the end of Grade 11 with, in several cases, outstanding scores.
Grade 12
Calculus is taught to all of grade 12 students. It includes differentiation & integration and some of its applications in life. This helps students who are focusing on the engineering and science fields for entrance into the Egyptian universities and the students who are going to any college in the German University. In addition to Calculus, the classes in the science track will study Mechanics as part of their math.
Statistics is taught as a separate subject in grade 12 which gives an introduction to statistics. Students who are going to study business or accounting at the university level benefit the most.
Since we believe in striking a balance between the Egyptian and American culture, it is one of our school objectives to teach high quality Arabic, Religion, and Civics. Teaching Arabic starts from KG 2 to grade 12. Our approach is a very modern one in teaching the Arabic Language. Students use multimedia and videos, and all available teaching aids. Our students are also encouraged to do research in Arabic as much as they do in English and all other subjects.