Program of inquiry

PYP Program of Inquiry

AgeAn inquiry into
Who we are
An inquiry into
Where we are in place and time
An inquiry into
How we express ourselves
An inquiry into
How the world works
An inquiry into
How we organize ourselves
An inquiry into
Sharing the planet
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of human kind; the relationships between, and the interconnectedness, individuals and civilizations from local and global perspectives.An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.An inquiry into natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technology advances on society and on the environment.An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human – made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
Central idea
(Healthy Choices)
Our health can be influenced by the choices we make
Lines of inquiry:
● Well balanced diets.
● Different forms of exercise.
● How choices we make influence our health.
Key concepts: change, causation, responsibility
Related concepts: health, exercise, nutrition, diet.  
LP attributes: Reflective, balanced, Knowledgeable.
ATL Skills: self-management skills.
Central Idea
Different weather conditions can affect our daily behaviors and routines.
Lines of inquiry:
● How to dress according to the weather condition.
● Learning about the four seasons.
● Different activities according to the weather conditions.
Key concepts: change, form, function.
Related concepts: weather, routine, behavior, similarities, differences.
LP: Knowledgeable, reflective.
ATL skills: Thinking skills.
Central idea
Expressing ourselves in different ways makes us better communicators.
Lines of inquiry:
● Different ways of expressing feelings and ideas.
● Recognize our emotions and others emotions.
● Ways people respond in different situations.
Key concepts: form, function, perspective.
Related concepts: expressing, emotions, communication, facial expressions.
LP: thinker, communicator.
ATL skills: social skills, communication skills.
Central idea
(Clean Earth)
Conserving the earth’s resources will benefit its inhabitants.
Lines of inquiry:
● Different earth resources
● Ways we can help keep the earth clean
● Individual contributions will benefit our planet
·         How resources from the earth help all living things.
Key concepts: form, responsibility, causation.
Related concepts: responsibility, consequences, water, resources.
LP: balanced, caring.
ATL skills: thinking skills.
Central idea
(Who am I?)
Awareness of our characteristics, abilities and interests informs our learning and development.
Lines of inquiry:
● Physical, social and emotional characteristics.
● Similarities and differences between ourselves and others.
● Personal abilities and interests.
Key concepts: : form, function, reflection
Related concepts: characteristics, ability, interests, behavior.
LP attributes: Inquirer, knowledgeable, reflective
ATL Skills: Self-management skills, social skills.
Central idea
(My History)
Documenting personal histories allows us to reflect on and celebrate who we are and where we have come from.
Lines of inquiry:
● Ways of documenting personal history.
● Personal change from birth to present.
● Reflecting on past experiences.
Key concepts: form, change, causation.
LP: reflective, balanced.
ATL: thinking skills.
Central idea
People use different ways to express themselves
Lines of inquiry:
● What are senses
● We can share our ideas through art.
● We may enjoy some forms of expression more than others.
Key concepts: form, function, perspective.
Related concepts: emotions, senses, communication.
LP: communicator, reflective, knowledgeable, risk taker.
ATL skills: social skills, communication skills.
Central idea
Taking care of animals is useful for mankind.
Lines of inquiry:  Different roles animals play in our life.
● Our
responsibility in caring for animals.
● Different point of views about taking care of animals.
Key concepts: function, responsibility, perspective .
Related concepts: Animal classification, conservation, habitat, consumption, patterns.
LP: Principled. Open-minded, Reflective.
ATL skills: self-management skills.
Central idea
Our choices determine the quality of our life.
Lines of inquiry:
● Actions and consequences.
● Taking care of my physical, mental, social, and spiritual wellbeing.
● Healthy habits and routines.
Key concepts: responsibility, change, function.
Related concepts: consequences, rights, identity, growth, quality.
LP attributes: principled, balanced, reflective.
ATL skills: self-management skills.   
Central Idea
Scientists and significant inventions over time.
Lines of inquiry:
● Usage of different materials have developed over time.
● The relationship between explorations and discoveries.
● The impact discoveries have on human kind.
Key concepts: function, connection, causation.
Related concepts: explorations, discoveries, geography.
L.P: inquirer, open minded.
ATL skills: research, communication.
Central idea
 The way people interpret and convey messages differ from one person to another.
Lines of inquiry:
● How people interpret messages according to their experiences and ways of understanding.
● How ways of communication differ from one culture to another.
● Responding to different physical cues.
Key concepts: perspective , change, connection.
Related concepts: stimulus, response, homeostasis.
LP: reflective, communicator, knowledgeable.
ATL skills: self-management skills, social skills, communication skills.
Central idea
Understanding the properties of different materials allows people to build strong structures.
Lines of inquiry:
● Identifying characteristics of different materials allows for its proper use.
● Discovery of new materials has changed the infrastructure of housing over time.
● How people use materials wisely.
Key concepts: form, change, responsibility.
Related concepts: properties, materials, structures, infrastructure.
LP: risk taker, inquirer.
ATL skills: research skills, thinking skills.
Central Idea
 Systems can help people meet their own needs.
Lines of inquiry:
● People’s Roles and rights in society.
● Responsibilities between different systems in communities.
● The Properties of a community.
Key concepts: form, connection, function.
Related concepts: System, rights, citizenship.
L.P: Caring, communicator, principled.
ATL: Communication skills.
Central idea
Plants are sustaining resource for us and for other living things.
Lines of inquiry:
● The things plants need to grow.
● The life cycle of a plant. 
● How plants help people and our planet.
Key concepts: function, change, connection.
Related concepts: plants, life cycle, seeds.
LP: balanced, caring.
ATL skills: self-management skills.
Central idea
Our individual characteristics can make a contribution to our community.
Lines of inquiry:
● What makes us different and unique. 
● Factors that influence our choice of relationships.
● Our responsibilities as role models.
Key concepts: causation, connection, responsibility.
Related concepts: characteristics, role, community, social responsibility.
L.P: Caring, principled, knowledgeable.
ATL skills: Social skills.  
Central Idea
Communities are enriched by their members and their different perspectives.
Lines of inquiry:
● What a community is.
● People within a community.
● The personal stories of community members.
Key concepts: form, change, perspective.
Related concepts: community opinion, perspective.
L.P: Inquirer, balanced, thinker.
ATL Skills: Thinking skills, research skills.
Central idea
People communicate meanings and express values through stories.
Lines of inquiry:
● Different forms of storytelling.
● What stories can convey.
● Feelings and emotions connected to stories.
Key concepts: form, connection, perspective.
Related concepts: creativity, movement, shadow, light.
LP: open minded, communicator, reflective.
ATL skills: social, communication skills, thinking skills.  
Central idea
(Scientific thinking)
Thinking scientifically can help people understand how the world works.
Lines of inquiry:
● Scientific ways of thinking.
● Different types of force and energy.
● Explore how materials’ changes can be used to benefit development of the world.
Key concepts: form, function, causation.
Related concepts: forces, energy, materials.
LP: thinker, inquirer.
ATL: thinking skills, research skills.
Central Idea
 Systems need to be in place to maintain organization in communities.
Lines of inquiry:
● Explore how systems influence life style and community.
● Comparing transportation systems within the local community.
● Understand ways to care for the environment.
Key concepts: function, connection, responsibility.
Related concepts:
System, rules, environment.
LP: caring, principled, reflective.
ATL skills: research skills, self-management skills.
Central idea
Plants, animals and people are connected and depend on each other.
Lines of inquiry:
● The way in which ecosystems, biomes, and environments are interdependent
 ● How human interaction with the environment can affect the balance of systems
● The consequences of imbalance with ecosystems.
Key concepts: Function Connection, Responsibility.
Related concepts: animals, ecosystems, habitat, plants, adaptation, classification, balance, interdependence.
LP: balanced, caring.
ATL skills: self-management skills.
Central idea
Accepting different cultures will lead to global citizenship.
Lines of inquiry:
● Characteristics of global citizens.
● Similarities and differences of a system.
● Experiences that shape our beliefs. 
Key concepts: perspective, responsibility, connection.
Related concepts: culture, system, beliefs, global citizenship.
LP: open minded, principled.
ATL Skills: self-management skills, thinking skills.    
Central idea
The effect of evolution on the quality of life.
Lines of inquiry:
● How transportation evolved over time.
● Understand how fossil record explains the concept of adaptation. 
● How technology improved quality of life.
Key Concepts: change, function, causation.
Related concepts: evolution, adaptation, transformation, integration.
LP: inquirer, knowledgeable.
ATL Skills: Thinking skills, research skills.
Central idea
People can express themselves through different celebrations.
Lines of inquiry:
● Reasons for different celebrations from all over the world.
● Different culture views of life cycles.
● Different religious celebrations.
Key concepts: function, perspective, responsibility.
Related concepts: celebrations, traditions, life cycles.
LP:  open minded, caring, knowledgeable.
ATL skills: social skills, research skills.
Central idea
Matter exists in different forms that can be changed to meet people’s needs.
Lines of inquiry:
● States of maters and their properties.
● Behavior and uses of materials.
● Manipulation of materials for specific purpose.
Key concepts: form, connection, change.
Related concepts: prediction, properties, transformation.
LP: Knowledgeable, inquirers.
ATL skills: Thinking skills, research skills.
Central idea
Communities provide interconnectedness services designed to meet people’s needs.
Lines of inquiry:
● How maps help us to see where we are.
● How we are connected to other points of the world.
● Describing the impact of technology on communication.
Key concepts: function, connection, causation.
Related concepts: communities, interconnectedness, service.
LP: communicator, balanced, risk taker.
ATL skills: social skills, communication skills.
Central idea
People can establish practices in order to sustain and maintain the earth’s resources.
Lines of inquiry:
● Identifying limited resources.
● Different methods of waste management.
● Consequences of wasting resources.
Key concepts: form, function, causation.
Related concepts: sustainability, resources, waste, recycling.
LP: reflective, balanced.
ATL: thinking skills, self-management skills.
Central idea
Overcoming challenges depends on the relationships within the community.
Lines of inquiry:
● Ways of effective communication
● Explore how families, communities, influence individuals.
● Clear and effective ways of exchange information and data.
Key concepts: connection, causation, function.
Related concepts: challenges, relationships, communication, networks.
LP: communicator, reflective.
ATL Skills: Communications skills, social skills.   
Central idea
Change is inevitable for survival.
Lines of inquiry:
● How current family experiences are different from those of previous generations.
● How geographical changes impact the habitats.
● People are responsible for survival of human race.
Key concepts: responsibility, connection, causation.
Related concepts: change, survival, experiences, interdependence.
LP: caring, principled, open minded.
ATL Skills: social skills, research skills.
Central idea
(Design thinking)
People use design thinking to express, communicate and appreciate ideas.
Lines of inquiry:
● Elements of any design.
● Design thinking and creativity throughout the process.
● Design thinking as a reflective process.
Key concepts: form, function, perspective.
Related concepts: properties, sequence, technology, design.
LP: open minded, risk taker, communicator.
ATL skills: research, communication, thinking skills.
Central idea
Energy influences the way we live.
Lines of inquiry:
● Exploring different sources of energy.
● Generating different forms of light from different resources of energy.
● How human beings catered materials to advancement into electricity.
Key concepts: form, function, causation.
Related concepts: energy, transformation, properties, light.
LP: Thinker, inquirer.
ATL skills: Thinking skills.
Central idea
Finding solutions to conflicts leads to a better quality of human life.
Lines of inquiry:
● Why conflicts arise.
● How to practice mediation and negotiation techniques.
● We may solve conflicts different than others.
Key concepts: function, form, perspective.  
Related concepts: conflicts, negotiation, mediation.
LP: thinker, risk taker, reflective.
ATL skills: communication skills, self-management skills.  
Central idea
Human survival is connected to understanding the continual changing in the nature of the earth.
Lines of inquiry:
● Describing the structure of earth.
● How forces change the earth.
● How living things are affected by these changes.
Key concepts: form, change, causation.
Related concepts: earth, forces, movement, volcano, earthquake.
LP: reflective, inquirer, knowledgeable.
ATL skills: thinking skills, research skills
Central idea
Transitions involve changes that require adaptation.
Lines of inquiry:
● Adapting new roles and responsibilities.
● Ways people change.
● Impact of change on human response.
Key concepts: change, form, causation.
Related concepts:  transitions, adaptation, balance.
LP: reflective, balanced, risk taker.
ATL Skills: social skills, self-management skills.
Central idea
(Overcoming obstacles)
How people overcome obstacles in order to develop and grow.
Lines of inquiry:
● How personal and community obstacles emerge.
● How obstacles can lead to development and growth.
● How technological development aids and caters people with different needs.
Key concepts: causation, perspective, responsibility.
Related concepts: obstacles, growth, development.
LP: caring, principled, thinker.
ATL Skills: social skills, thinking skills. 
Central idea
Media informs the way we understand the world.
Lines of inquiry:
● The use of persuasive language, images and sound in media.
● How media affects values, perceptions and knowledge.
● What it means to be media literate.
Key concepts: Function, causation, perspective.
Related concepts: media, persuasive language, advertising, social network, technology.
LP: open minded, communicator, knowledgeable, risk taker.
ATL skills: communication, social skills.
Central Idea
Biodiversity relies on the interdependence balance of organisms within systems.
Lines of inquiry:
● Reproduction of living things to the continuations of the species.
● How living things need to adapt in order to survive.
● Explain how human activities have positive or adverse effects globally.
Key Concepts: Function, change, perspective.
Related concepts: biodiversity, interdependence, balance, organisms.
L.P: Inquirer, balanced, thinker.
ATL skills: Research, thinking skills.
Central Idea:
The global economy is impacted by the values of the consumer and the producer.
Lines of inquiry:
● The relationship between the parts of an economy.
● The impact a country’s economy has on the global marketplace.
● How the decisions people make reflects their values.
Key concepts: Connection, causation, responsibility.
Related concepts: global economy, consumer, production, employment, poverty, wealth.
LP: principled, reflective.
ATL skills: communication skills, thinking skills.
PYP  Exhibition