PYP Program of Inquiry
Age | An inquiry into Who we are | An inquiry into Where we are in place and time | An inquiry into How we express ourselves | An inquiry into How the world works | An inquiry into How we organize ourselves | An inquiry into Sharing the planet |
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. | An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of human kind; the relationships between, and the interconnectedness, individuals and civilizations from local and global perspectives. | An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. | An inquiry into natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technology advances on society and on the environment. | An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human – made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. | An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution. | |
4-5 KG1 | Central idea (Healthy Choices) Our health can be influenced by the choices we make Lines of inquiry: ● Well balanced diets. ● Different forms of exercise. ● How choices we make influence our health. Key concepts: change, causation, responsibility Related concepts: health, exercise, nutrition, diet. LP attributes: Reflective, balanced, Knowledgeable. ATL Skills: self-management skills. | Central Idea (Weather) Different weather conditions can affect our daily behaviors and routines. Lines of inquiry: ● How to dress according to the weather condition. ● Learning about the four seasons. ● Different activities according to the weather conditions. Key concepts: change, form, function. Related concepts: weather, routine, behavior, similarities, differences. LP: Knowledgeable, reflective. ATL skills: Thinking skills. | Central idea (Emotions) Expressing ourselves in different ways makes us better communicators. Lines of inquiry: ● Different ways of expressing feelings and ideas. ● Recognize our emotions and others emotions. ● Ways people respond in different situations. Key concepts: form, function, perspective. Related concepts: expressing, emotions, communication, facial expressions. LP: thinker, communicator. ATL skills: social skills, communication skills. | Central idea (Clean Earth) Conserving the earth’s resources will benefit its inhabitants. Lines of inquiry: ● Different earth resources ● Ways we can help keep the earth clean ● Individual contributions will benefit our planet · How resources from the earth help all living things. Key concepts: form, responsibility, causation. Related concepts: responsibility, consequences, water, resources. LP: balanced, caring. ATL skills: thinking skills. | ||
5-6 KG2 | Central idea (Who am I?) Awareness of our characteristics, abilities and interests informs our learning and development. Lines of inquiry: ● Physical, social and emotional characteristics. ● Similarities and differences between ourselves and others. ● Personal abilities and interests. Key concepts: : form, function, reflection Related concepts: characteristics, ability, interests, behavior. LP attributes: Inquirer, knowledgeable, reflective ATL Skills: Self-management skills, social skills. | Central idea (My History) Documenting personal histories allows us to reflect on and celebrate who we are and where we have come from. Lines of inquiry: ● Ways of documenting personal history. ● Personal change from birth to present. ● Reflecting on past experiences. Key concepts: form, change, causation. LP: reflective, balanced. ATL: thinking skills. | Central idea (emotions) People use different ways to express themselves Lines of inquiry: ● What are senses ● We can share our ideas through art. ● We may enjoy some forms of expression more than others. Key concepts: form, function, perspective. Related concepts: emotions, senses, communication. LP: communicator, reflective, knowledgeable, risk taker. ATL skills: social skills, communication skills. | Central idea (Animals) Taking care of animals is useful for mankind. Lines of inquiry: Different roles animals play in our life. ● Our responsibility in caring for animals. ● Different point of views about taking care of animals. Key concepts: function, responsibility, perspective . Related concepts: Animal classification, conservation, habitat, consumption, patterns. LP: Principled. Open-minded, Reflective. ATL skills: self-management skills. | ||
6-7 Y.1 | Central idea (Choices) Our choices determine the quality of our life. Lines of inquiry: ● Actions and consequences. ● Taking care of my physical, mental, social, and spiritual wellbeing. ● Healthy habits and routines. Key concepts: responsibility, change, function. Related concepts: consequences, rights, identity, growth, quality. LP attributes: principled, balanced, reflective. ATL skills: self-management skills. | Central Idea (Inventions) Scientists and significant inventions over time. Lines of inquiry: ● Usage of different materials have developed over time. ● The relationship between explorations and discoveries. ● The impact discoveries have on human kind. Key concepts: function, connection, causation. Related concepts: explorations, discoveries, geography. L.P: inquirer, open minded. ATL skills: research, communication. | Central idea (Communication) The way people interpret and convey messages differ from one person to another. Lines of inquiry: ● How people interpret messages according to their experiences and ways of understanding. ● How ways of communication differ from one culture to another. ● Responding to different physical cues. Key concepts: perspective , change, connection. Related concepts: stimulus, response, homeostasis. LP: reflective, communicator, knowledgeable. ATL skills: self-management skills, social skills, communication skills. | Central idea (Materials) Understanding the properties of different materials allows people to build strong structures. Lines of inquiry: ● Identifying characteristics of different materials allows for its proper use. ● Discovery of new materials has changed the infrastructure of housing over time. ● How people use materials wisely. Key concepts: form, change, responsibility. Related concepts: properties, materials, structures, infrastructure. LP: risk taker, inquirer. ATL skills: research skills, thinking skills. | Central Idea (Systems) Systems can help people meet their own needs. Lines of inquiry: ● People’s Roles and rights in society. ● Responsibilities between different systems in communities. ● The Properties of a community. Key concepts: form, connection, function. Related concepts: System, rights, citizenship. L.P: Caring, communicator, principled. ATL: Communication skills. | Central idea (Plants) Plants are sustaining resource for us and for other living things. Lines of inquiry: ● The things plants need to grow. ● The life cycle of a plant. ● How plants help people and our planet. Key concepts: function, change, connection. Related concepts: plants, life cycle, seeds. LP: balanced, caring. ATL skills: self-management skills. |
7-8 Y.2 | Central idea (Personality) Our individual characteristics can make a contribution to our community. Lines of inquiry: ● What makes us different and unique. ● Factors that influence our choice of relationships. ● Our responsibilities as role models. Key concepts: causation, connection, responsibility. Related concepts: characteristics, role, community, social responsibility. L.P: Caring, principled, knowledgeable. ATL skills: Social skills. | Central Idea (Communities) Communities are enriched by their members and their different perspectives. Lines of inquiry: ● What a community is. ● People within a community. ● The personal stories of community members. Key concepts: form, change, perspective. Related concepts: community opinion, perspective. L.P: Inquirer, balanced, thinker. ATL Skills: Thinking skills, research skills. | Central idea (Stories) People communicate meanings and express values through stories. Lines of inquiry: ● Different forms of storytelling. ● What stories can convey. ● Feelings and emotions connected to stories. Key concepts: form, connection, perspective. Related concepts: creativity, movement, shadow, light. LP: open minded, communicator, reflective. ATL skills: social, communication skills, thinking skills. | Central idea (Scientific thinking) Thinking scientifically can help people understand how the world works. Lines of inquiry: ● Scientific ways of thinking. ● Different types of force and energy. ● Explore how materials’ changes can be used to benefit development of the world. Key concepts: form, function, causation. Related concepts: forces, energy, materials. LP: thinker, inquirer. ATL: thinking skills, research skills. | Central Idea (Systems) Systems need to be in place to maintain organization in communities. Lines of inquiry: ● Explore how systems influence life style and community. ● Comparing transportation systems within the local community. ● Understand ways to care for the environment. Key concepts: function, connection, responsibility. Related concepts: System, rules, environment. LP: caring, principled, reflective. ATL skills: research skills, self-management skills. | Central idea (ecosystems) Plants, animals and people are connected and depend on each other. Lines of inquiry: ● The way in which ecosystems, biomes, and environments are interdependent ● How human interaction with the environment can affect the balance of systems ● The consequences of imbalance with ecosystems. Key concepts: Function Connection, Responsibility. Related concepts: animals, ecosystems, habitat, plants, adaptation, classification, balance, interdependence. LP: balanced, caring. ATL skills: self-management skills. |
8-9 Y.3 | Central idea (Diversity) Accepting different cultures will lead to global citizenship. Lines of inquiry: ● Characteristics of global citizens. ● Similarities and differences of a system. ● Experiences that shape our beliefs. Key concepts: perspective, responsibility, connection. Related concepts: culture, system, beliefs, global citizenship. LP: open minded, principled. ATL Skills: self-management skills, thinking skills. | Central idea (Evolution) The effect of evolution on the quality of life. Lines of inquiry: ● How transportation evolved over time. ● Understand how fossil record explains the concept of adaptation. ● How technology improved quality of life. Key Concepts: change, function, causation. Related concepts: evolution, adaptation, transformation, integration. LP: inquirer, knowledgeable. ATL Skills: Thinking skills, research skills. | Central idea (Celebrations) People can express themselves through different celebrations. Lines of inquiry: ● Reasons for different celebrations from all over the world. ● Different culture views of life cycles. ● Different religious celebrations. Key concepts: function, perspective, responsibility. Related concepts: celebrations, traditions, life cycles. LP: open minded, caring, knowledgeable. ATL skills: social skills, research skills. | Central idea (change) Matter exists in different forms that can be changed to meet people’s needs. Lines of inquiry: ● States of maters and their properties. ● Behavior and uses of materials. ● Manipulation of materials for specific purpose. Key concepts: form, connection, change. Related concepts: prediction, properties, transformation. LP: Knowledgeable, inquirers. ATL skills: Thinking skills, research skills. | Central idea (Interconnectedness) Communities provide interconnectedness services designed to meet people’s needs. Lines of inquiry: ● How maps help us to see where we are. ● How we are connected to other points of the world. ● Describing the impact of technology on communication. Key concepts: function, connection, causation. Related concepts: communities, interconnectedness, service. LP: communicator, balanced, risk taker. ATL skills: social skills, communication skills. | Central idea (Sustainability) People can establish practices in order to sustain and maintain the earth’s resources. Lines of inquiry: ● Identifying limited resources. ● Different methods of waste management. ● Consequences of wasting resources. Key concepts: form, function, causation. Related concepts: sustainability, resources, waste, recycling. LP: reflective, balanced. ATL: thinking skills, self-management skills. |
9-10 Y.4 | Central idea (Relationships) Overcoming challenges depends on the relationships within the community. Lines of inquiry: ● Ways of effective communication ● Explore how families, communities, influence individuals. ● Clear and effective ways of exchange information and data. Key concepts: connection, causation, function. Related concepts: challenges, relationships, communication, networks. LP: communicator, reflective. ATL Skills: Communications skills, social skills. | Central idea (Chang) Change is inevitable for survival. Lines of inquiry: ● How current family experiences are different from those of previous generations. ● How geographical changes impact the habitats. ● People are responsible for survival of human race. Key concepts: responsibility, connection, causation. Related concepts: change, survival, experiences, interdependence. LP: caring, principled, open minded. ATL Skills: social skills, research skills. | Central idea (Design thinking) People use design thinking to express, communicate and appreciate ideas. Lines of inquiry: ● Elements of any design. ● Design thinking and creativity throughout the process. ● Design thinking as a reflective process. Key concepts: form, function, perspective. Related concepts: properties, sequence, technology, design. LP: open minded, risk taker, communicator. ATL skills: research, communication, thinking skills. | Central idea (Energy) Energy influences the way we live. Lines of inquiry: ● Exploring different sources of energy. ● Generating different forms of light from different resources of energy. ● How human beings catered materials to advancement into electricity. Key concepts: form, function, causation. Related concepts: energy, transformation, properties, light. LP: Thinker, inquirer. ATL skills: Thinking skills. | Central idea (Conflicts) Finding solutions to conflicts leads to a better quality of human life. Lines of inquiry: ● Why conflicts arise. ● How to practice mediation and negotiation techniques. ● We may solve conflicts different than others. Key concepts: function, form, perspective. Related concepts: conflicts, negotiation, mediation. LP: thinker, risk taker, reflective. ATL skills: communication skills, self-management skills. | Central idea (Earth) Human survival is connected to understanding the continual changing in the nature of the earth. Lines of inquiry: ● Describing the structure of earth. ● How forces change the earth. ● How living things are affected by these changes. Key concepts: form, change, causation. Related concepts: earth, forces, movement, volcano, earthquake. LP: reflective, inquirer, knowledgeable. ATL skills: thinking skills, research skills. |
10-11 Y.5 | Central idea (Adaptation) Transitions involve changes that require adaptation. Lines of inquiry: ● Adapting new roles and responsibilities. ● Ways people change. ● Impact of change on human response. Key concepts: change, form, causation. Related concepts: transitions, adaptation, balance. LP: reflective, balanced, risk taker. ATL Skills: social skills, self-management skills. | Central idea (Overcoming obstacles) How people overcome obstacles in order to develop and grow. Lines of inquiry: ● How personal and community obstacles emerge. ● How obstacles can lead to development and growth. ● How technological development aids and caters people with different needs. Key concepts: causation, perspective, responsibility. Related concepts: obstacles, growth, development. LP: caring, principled, thinker. ATL Skills: social skills, thinking skills. | Central idea (Media) Media informs the way we understand the world. Lines of inquiry: ● The use of persuasive language, images and sound in media. ● How media affects values, perceptions and knowledge. ● What it means to be media literate. Key concepts: Function, causation, perspective. Related concepts: media, persuasive language, advertising, social network, technology. LP: open minded, communicator, knowledgeable, risk taker. ATL skills: communication, social skills. | Central Idea (Biodiversity) Biodiversity relies on the interdependence balance of organisms within systems. Lines of inquiry: ● Reproduction of living things to the continuations of the species. ● How living things need to adapt in order to survive. ● Explain how human activities have positive or adverse effects globally. Key Concepts: Function, change, perspective. Related concepts: biodiversity, interdependence, balance, organisms. L.P: Inquirer, balanced, thinker. ATL skills: Research, thinking skills. | Central Idea: (Economy) The global economy is impacted by the values of the consumer and the producer. Lines of inquiry: ● The relationship between the parts of an economy. ● The impact a country’s economy has on the global marketplace. ● How the decisions people make reflects their values. Key concepts: Connection, causation, responsibility. Related concepts: global economy, consumer, production, employment, poverty, wealth. LP: principled, reflective. ATL skills: communication skills, thinking skills. | PYP Exhibition |