Changes in the returning dates for the academic year 2020-2021

Information regarding the reopening of academic year 2020-2021

Nefertari International School hopes that this message finds you and your family safe and well. This message serves to update you on the preparations, decisions and plans for the start of the new academic year.

We all face the uncertainties and challenges from day to day due to the Covid 19 pandemic. All plans and decisions taken were based on our concern to ensure our students continue to grow academically, socially and emotionally while maintaining the best possible health and well-being measures.

After careful consideration, we are ready to share with you our plans and decisions for reopening school.

  • The academic year shall commence on the 1st of
  • Students will attend full classes face to face contact with teachers in
  • The school day shall start at 7:45am and ends 1:45pm Sunday to
  • E-learning and online sessions shall continue to enhance learning in all subjects. (1hour per day)
  • The school shall deliver the curriculum in all core subjects along with art, music and physical
  • Number of students in the classroom and during break/recess conforms with the international standards of social
  • Parents orientation sessions shall be announced later by the school

        Returning Dates

Schools1st September2nd September
PreschoolKG 1KG 2
British SchoolY1-Y5Y6 – Y12
American SchoolG4 & G5G6 – G12

Important information to parents/students

  • All students in KG1, KG2, Grade/Year 1, 2 and 3 are to wear face shield while in the school bus and at school without exceptions. (Parents may provide it independently or can be purchased from the school uniform shop).
  • All students in Grade/Year 4-12 are to wear a face mask at all times.
  • All students from K-12 are asked to bring their own hand sanitizers, wipes and
  • All students shall come to school dressed correctly in the proper school uniform, following the students – parent handbook in (ONLY solid Black shoes).
  • All students shall abide and follow social distancing guidelines in
  • No student will be allowed on the school bus or enter the campus unless he/she is checked to be free of any Covid symptoms. Temperature will be checked before getting on the bus or in campus.
  • Parents must confirm and/or report to school if their child or any member of the household has been in contact with any Covid
  • Parents are encouraged to prepare packed snacks/lunch from home as the canteen facility will be very limited during school
  • All students must have their supply of stationary as they will not be allowed to share
  • All students shall bring their personal laptops/ tablets to school.
  • Parents/Visitors to campus are strictly limited. Parents must have an appointment to enter campus and for very urgent matters only. Virtual meetings, emails or direct phone contact are
  • Students’ attendance is a Completion of work and assignments both in

classrooms and e-learning are strictly required across all stages.


  • School administration shall be assessing the situation on daily basis and any required action or change will be conveyed to parents as needed.
  • The school shall update you before the 1st of September on any further changes advised by the Ministry of Education and/or Ministry of Health.